TALO is a wholesale buying cooperative that was started in 1965 by fishing and hunting wholesalers in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. TALO commissions limited edition and exclusive firearms from top manufacturers and distributes them to stocking sporting goods dealers across the United States. Interested collectors are encouraged to contact their local firearm dealer and ask them to order a special edition from a TALO distributor.
Our friends at Lipsey's shared a video review of our NEW Mossberg 940 Pro Turkey shotgun. Check it out here: Mossberg 940 Pro Turkey
Product review from our Friend Hunter at Range Hot: https://rangehot.com/colt-kodi... Just a few short months ago, the new Colt Kodiak in .44 Remington Magnum made its way to my door
New project coming soon, very excited about this one. We think it turned out really nice and hope many of you will agree.